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Our brothers, during our 8th year of operation, made an unparalleled impact on campus this past year, from taking major leadership roles in the Student Government Association, winning our first intramural championship, to flying our brand new blimp during our crazy tailgates. During the chapter's short time here at FIU we have taken philanthropy to bigger heights. I am proud to say that our chapter has raised a campus record of $36,000 for the Huntsman Cancer Institute during our 2016 Derby Days philanthropy week. We successfully broke our past year's record of $29,000 and held the first ever “Run Derby” 5K on campus by any organization. While these accomplishments may be great, this chapter does not stop from trying to achieve greatness. The Lambda Iota chapter was founded on January 22, 2011, and we have been committed to the betterment of character on campus and in the community. As the new academic year approaches I am excited to lead such a great group of guys I have the privilege of calling my brothers. This upcoming spring the Lambda Iota chapter seeks to set new standards for this year’s upcoming philanthropy, as the chapter’s goal is $45,000 surpassing the last record. 

I want to thank you for taking the time to visit our website, I hope this gave you a glimpse of what Sigma Chi is about here at FIU and what the Lambda Iota chapter plans to accomplish in the upcoming academic year. I hope to continue to inspire my fellow brothers to push themselves to new limits and our brothers will continue to build up this chapter to with the brothers in this chapter, and for our future brothers who will be initiated into Lambda Iota. 


In Hoc Signo Vinces,

"Men Join Fraternities, Leaders of Men Join Sigma Chi." - John Wayne, USC 1929


Consul Ethan Rebozo 2024

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Past Lambda Iota Consuls:

David Trujillo

Jose Antonio Garcia 2011-2012
Brian Gonzalez 2012-2013
Ivan Rubio
David Irimia
Nicholas Recuset
Hector De Castro  2016-2017
Alessandro Borges
2019 (Spring)
Andres Molina
Andrew Pierce
Alexis Agreda
Geraldo "Jerry" Aguilar
2022 (Fall)
Moises Jattin
2018 (Fall)
Will Cabase
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Julian Rose
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Ethan Rebozo
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